Summer is right around the corner and with bikini season in sight, Healthista’s Vicky Hadley has grabbed her personal trainer, Virgin Active‘s Yousuf Siddiqui to bring the gym to you in a home workout that will change your body fast

You’ll need: some Dumbbells 

1. Sumo Squat

sumo squat touch 8 moves that will change your body fast by  healthista's vicky hadley

How to do it? Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart and your toes slightly turned out. Hold a dumb-bell with both hands in front of your hips. Push your hips back and bend your knees so you are squatting down. Make sure to keep your chest up and shoulder back. Lower the dumb-bell to the floor in between your legs whilst keeping your knees turned out. When you start to find this exercise easy add another dumb-bell in the other hand. Stand back up by pushing your weight back into your heels and repeat slowly 12 times.

sumo squat 8 moves that will change your body fast by healthista  vicky

Why should you be doing it?  The sumo squat places builds up the booty and tones the legs whilst also loosening the hip muscles to create flexibility within the legs. By ensuring your core is tensed throughout the movement this exercise will burn calories quickly and give you an all over total body blitz.

MORE:  7 fitness tips from Insanity creator Shaun T including the best booty move ever 

2. Side plank with raise

side plank 8 moves that will change your body fast by healthista

How to do it? Unlike the traditional plank pose this plank will take place on one side on the body. Start by propping yourself up on your elbow with a light weight in the other hand. Try to ensure your body is kept straight and that you do not droop your hips as this will help you to engage your abs. Whilst in the side plank position slowly raise and lower your arm with the weight, straight up in the air then slowly lower it back the same way it went up. Repeat on the other side for 12 reps on each arm.

yousuf siddiqui side plank with lateral raise 8 moves that will  change your body fast by healthista

Why should we be doing it? Using a light dumb-bell this move is all about toning your arms and stomach whilst helping you to build abs and strengthen the upper back and shoulders. If you hold the form correctly this exercise can really work at slimming the waist and targeting love handles.

MORE: 4 stretches to do at your desk right now

3. Bent over row

bent over fly 8 moves to change your body fast

How to do it? Lean forward at the hips not at the waist, (this is a common mistake) keeping your knees bent, tense your core muscles. Draw back the shoulder blades and grip the dumb-bells a little bit wider than shoulder width apart. Pull the weights into the sides of your body by bending your elbows, squeeze your shoulder blades together then extend your arms straight in front of you and repeat.

dumbell bent over raise 8 moves to change your body fast

Why should we be doing it? This exercise targets the key muscles in the upper back. It is a very good exercise to tone and sculpt our backs as well as the arms. The use of the dumb-bells gives us more control than using one weight for both arms as most people have one side that is stronger than the other, so by using two dumb-bells it prevents the stronger side of your body from doing all of the work whilst completely getting rid of any bingo wings, repeat 12 times.

4. Dumb-bell leg lift

leg lift low 8 moves to change your body fast by healthista

How to do it? Kneel on all fours with your knees directly underneath your hips and your elbows underneath your shoulders. Clasp your hands together and ensure that your weight is placed into your arms. Lift one leg slightly in the end with your knee bent and a light-weight dumb-bell placed at the back of your knee. Lift one leg in the air keeping it bent at the knee and raise it as high as you can before lowering it without putting your knee back on the floor. Repeat twelve times per leg before placing your knee back down.

glute dumbbell raise vicky hadley 8 best moves to change your shape  by healthista

Why should we be doing it? This exercise is a favourite for women as it is an amazing booty builder. The exercise helps to create a fuller, perkier backside whilst toning all of the booty muscles in one go. For those new to this exercise you can substitute the weight for a few extra leg lifts on each leg and build up to using a dumb-bell.

MORE: 6 Steps to a flatter tummy 

5. Oblique twist

oblique twist 8 moves that can change your body fast yousuf  siddiqui

How to do it? Sit up right with your legs bent and raised in the air at 45 degrees. Cross your ankles. Whilst looking forward hold the dumb-bell in both hands at chest height with your elbows bent. Twist your torso to one side using your abs to control the speed of the dumb-bell and lower the dumb-bell to the ground before twisting your torso to the other side and repeating for 12 movements.

oblique twist 8 moves that can change your body fast yousuf  siddiqui exercises

Why should we be doing it? By moving the dumb-bell from side to side with your legs in the air the exercise will really work your abs helping to reveal your inner six-pack. The twisting will also help to get rid of love handles around the hips whilst slimming the waist quickly.

6. Lateral lunge touch

Lateral lunge touch 8 moves that will change your body fast by  healthista's vicky hadley

How to do it? Stand facing forwards keep your torso upright and abs tensed. Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip width apart and hold a dumb-bell with both hands. Bend one leg at the knee and lean forwards from your hips placing the dumb-bell by your side. Pushing down into your heel stand back up and repeat on the other leg.

Lateral lunge touch 8 moves that will change your body fast by  healthista vicky

Why should we be doing it? This exercise is a slightly different version of the traditional forward and backward lunges. It not only helps to tone the legs and build a booty but it also works on opening up the hips and improving your flexibility.

7. Bent over fly

bent over fly 8 moves to change your body fast

How to do it? Just like the ‘bent over row’ exercise, lean forward at the hips not the waist. Keep your knees bent and tense your core muscles. Make sure you keep your shoulders lowered and not raised towards your ears. Grip the dumb-bells in front of you, whilst slightly bending your arms at the elbows. Raise the weights straight out to your sides as though you are flying whilst trying not to move your upper body. Tip: Use very light dumb-bells as this exercise can prove very heavy, quickly. Repeat 12 times.

bent over fly 8 moves to change your body fast by healthista

Why should we be doing it? This exercise will really work the back muscles creating an attractive toned looking back as it squeezes the shoulder blades together. By using lighter weights this exercise will quickly show toned arms and get rid of any bingo wings or excess fat quickly. As you start to feel exhausted it is important to keep your core tensed and activated which will help you to slim down quicker.

More: Vicky Hadley is under taking a 20 week bikini-model competition on a vegan diet, follow her bikini diary.

Follow Vicky Hadley on instagram: @fitness_foodie_vicky
Follow Yousuf Siddiqui on instagram: @yous_sidd1